BCDLAA Executive – President
I am delighted to be back on the BCDLAA executive, having served as one of the founding members – that makes me sound ancient!
I have been an educator in Saanich and Victoria for over 20 years, working in neighbourhood secondary classrooms and the online environment. My work with DL extends back to the early 1990’s when I served as a course marker for SIDES. My full-time involvement began in 2006 when I left my neighbourhood school classroom and joined SIDES as a teacher and course developer. I taught at SIDES for two years, including a period during which I divided my time between the real and the virtual classroom, teaching a highly successful hybrid AP Literature course. I took on the role of vice principal of SIDES in August 2008, and I became SIDES’ principal in 2014.
I have had the benefit of learning from and working with exceptional administrators and educators who have supported my growth as a DL leader. I am passionate about providing opportunities for students and I recognize the crucial roles strong leadership and skillful liaising with the Ministry of Education and other services play in allowing DL schools to provide those opportunities. I am happy to be serving on the Executive again, and I welcome communication with you as we continue on this journey in DL together.